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Pleasure System Reset

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with sexologist kiki maree featuring sara silverstein,

plant medicine & crystal kingdom allies

This program is for anyone that would like to intentionally re-set the nervous system of their pleasure pathways.


This process is deeply transformative and holistic, using the healing powers of breathwork, archetypal wisdom, somatic practices, menstrual & blood magick, medicinal plants, obsidian and rose quartz.


In this program Kiki brings a balance of spiritual teachings and practices, science backed education and modern integrative coaching techniques.


There are two options for taking this journey:


Option one:

 A self-guided journey with a pre-recorded program made by Kiki. 


This self-guided includes:

Lifetime access to the online program that goes into: 

  1. Pleasure System Blossoming

  2. Pelvic Blossoming

  3. Womb Blossoming

  4. Anal Blossoming

  5. Pussy Blossoming


investment: $69 (valued at over $444)


You can pay an additional $111 for a uniquely tailored pleasure bundle, contact Kiki for more details. 

Know Your Cycles: Mission

Option two:

A coaching container with Kiki where you journey with Kiki's guidance. Kiki's unique coaching container, designed to rewire your pleasure nervous system.

This option is ideal for those people who feel that having the support of Kiki would be beneficial.


This coaching container includes:

  1. One initial zoom call to start the container

  2. A uniquely tailored pleasure bundle

  3. Unlimited voice notes with Kiki during a 3 month container

  4. One final integration call to close the container

  5. Lifetime access to the online program that goes into:

  • Pleasure System Blossoming

  • Pelvic Blossoming

  • Womb Blossoming

  • Anal Blossoming

  • Pussy Blossoming


investment: $3333

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