Therapeutic Yoni Massage
walk the path of the rose


Therapeutic Yoni Massage between women is a lost art, something that was once common practice, and something that I wish every single woman to have access to. This practice enables women to feel safe enough in their nervous system to experience a depth of true surrender and true receiving, creating space for healing, integration and coming home into their bodies, perhaps for the first time ever. This connection creates a relationship where women can truly hear their yes and no, and step into their power of using their voice for their needs. This course was birthed from a deep desire to spread this integral practice further than I can reach. In my creation and facilitation of this course, I have tried in every way possible to make it accessible, inclusive, informed, supportive, nourishing and nurturing. This particular practice expands far beyond simple massage, as it takes a whole body approach to the nervous system, the muscles and the heart of each and every sister who comes for a session. As this field is highly unregulated, I have gone to lengths to have this modality certified through IICT, and am myself a registered training provider, as I have seen time and time again people coming to me after having traumatizing experiences, particularly when they have had sessions with male practitioners. I have also included the somatic sex coach training so that each and every practitioner is able to guide their clients beyond bodywork.
Why become a Therapeutic Yoni Massage Practitioner & Somatic Sex Coach?
ABILITYIf you are someone who has a learning disability, or a disability in general that you feel would inhibit your access to studies, please speak with Kiki about this in your interview call so that you can both explore options that may help you.
MINORITYThe Yonilicious Academy offers one partial scholarship per year to individuals who are experiencing financial hardship and are disadvantaged in their day to day life due to their race, ethnicity, background, or sexual orientation. If this is you, please speak with Kiki about applying for the scholarship before enrolment. **Applications for scholarships for 2023 and 2024 are closed. Applications will be open again at the end of 2024.
SINGLE MUMThe Yonilicious Academy offers one partial scholarship per year for single mothers experiencing financial hardship. If you need help with tuition, please speak to Kiki about applying for this scholarship. **Applications for scholarships for 2023 and 2024 are closed. Applications will be open again at the end of 2024.
ATTENDANCEIf you do not feel you can make it to the in-person training, please speak to Kiki as there are certain situations where Kiki has been able to facilitate the complete training for students who live far from the in-person training, or have certain obstacles or disabilities that do not permit them to coming to the in-person training.
And in short...
because it is so very needed
As mentioned I personally feel that every single woman has the right to a yoni massage, which makes it impossible for the very limited number of certified practitioners out there to cover, which is why if you are feeling called to hold this precious work, we need you. The profound and immediate healing and transmutation that happens under my fingers during a session blows me away still, all of these years later. And to see a woman blossom into her empowered self, is no short of a divine moment of awe, and is something I see my graduates time and time again awaken into their purpose for - a career that is literally healing the women of the world. Beyond yoni massage, sex coaching is also so needed in most people's lives, as most people have never had a proper education, which has seen to a lot of wounding in sexuality, much of the time unintentionally. Supporting people in this incredibly vulnerable space is unbelievably satisfying for the heart. Outside of the serious nature of the work, this field is so much FUN! I bring so much play into all of my sessions, even when, or especially when, things get hard for my clients. It is so great having an ever-expanding topic to learn about, an incredibly interesting aspect of human nature to understand deeply and so much novelty in smashing stigma and the patriarchy.

About the course
The course curriculum explores all four realms of sexuality; the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical realms, and takes a whole-body cyclic, somatic and a feminine approach to teaching and learning. This is done in order to soothe your nervous system as you study, helping you embody the teachings; versus stressing you out as study usually does, which leads to a whole lot of overwhelm and let's face it, regurgitation, in order to "pass". The course is taught in a way to support each student on their journey, as it can truly be a life-changing experience. This is why Kiki was mindful when creating the course so that these changes in perspective, relating, and self awareness, are realised with ease and grace. Each of the four levels compliment the one that comes after and/or before it. Level one prepares a student mentally for what is shared in level two around sexuality, Level three helps to shift and transmute what may have come up for students in levels one and two. Level four and the in-person training help students to embody and integrate what they have learned throughout the course. The supervisory period helps students to feel continuously supported once they graduate. It is important to note that the online materials are only a fragment of what is offered in the training overall. For some students who have extensive prior learning, the online materials may act as a refresher and as preparation for the rest of their training with our certified training providers.

Pay Deposit
Begin Course
6-12 Months
Finish Online
4 days
2 Months
Fully Certified
This course is taught over 6 months (full-time) or 12 months (part-time), and one six- month study extension is possible for special circumstances, though students will need to apply for this with Kiki in advance. There are 4 levels in the course, with anywhere between 3-9 modules per level. Each level of the training takes roughly 1-2 months to complete, with around 10-20 hours of study per week depending. The amount of hours needed per week will vary per person, some may need more, some may need much less, as we are all different and learn at different speeds. You will get a feel of your study load and what is right for you once you enroll, and I can assure you you won't be over burdened as I have erred on the side of caution with my estimates. Once these levels are all completed, students are required to attend the next available in-person intensive for completion. These in-person trainings are in the Brisbane region, with wholesome and nourishing food provided, and accommodation provided for the residential students. Upon completion of the in-class practical components, students are also required to take on 5-10 (depending on their progress) case study clients to practice therapeutic yoni massage. They are also required to undertake two months of supervision upon completion of both of the online and practical training. For most students, this training is not only a course for professional development, but it is also a journey into their own personal growth and sexual evolution. That being said, this course is not a space to process one's own trauma. Potential student’s may only enroll in this course once they have worked through their own trauma should they experience it, to the point of having agency over their own decisions, and in a space where they hold tools to support them through their own potential triggers. The ethos of this course is that upon completion not only is the practitioner competent in all areas of sexological bodywork (therapeutic yoni massage) and somatic sex coaching, by using a holistic approach to the field of sexuality, but is doing so from a truly heart-centered place. Therefore this course shares not only on the depths of feminist sexology (the science of female sexuality), sacred union and somatic experiencing, but also on how to grow into the most loving, nurturing and grounded practitioner one can be.
Intensive Training
Once a student completes the online components of the course, they are able to attend a four-day long ceremony of supervised practical training. During the practical training, students have the opportunity to learn up close and personal with Kiki, as she guides them through different practices and techniques for womb and pelvic health, including Therapeutic Yoni Massage. To complete their training, students are required to practice and hone their skills of therapeutic yoni massage, both with each other, and with Kiki herself. Each day of the training, students will experience a balance of yang, “do”, and yin, “be”, in order to integrate the teachings. They are also given the opportunity to practice their facilitation and space holding skills, with guidance from a registered training provider. (Students are then supervised for two months in both their sex coaching case studies, and 5 voluntary practice yoni massage case studies). Accommodation is provided for residential students, and lunch for each day is covered in the course's cost, while all travel and extra expenses are to be covered by the student.

Endless Knowledge
+ video lectures
This course is designed to grow with you. We are always adding new wisdom and scientific research as this field continues to evolve. There are currently 20+ guest lecturers sharing exclusive content on their areas of specialisation, and I can add more to suit your specific interests should you require. With lifetime access to the course, you will always be able to find something new, or refresh your knowledge. Learn comfortably with the flexibility to study on both desktop and mobile, or take a break from the screen entirely by using our printable course textbook. In addition to the core curriculum, the program also includes many other Yonilicious courses including:
Women’s Circle Facilitation Course
Lingam and Yoni Worship Course
Awakening Woman Program
Art of Love Making Program
Pelvic Blossoming Program
Sensual Woman Program
Conscious Kink Course
Peach Play Program
Big Kunta Energy
About Kiki Maree
I have been consciously studying and working in the field of feminine sexuality for the past decade, and have been teaching this work for over five years. I have studied (and continue to study) a variety of western and eastern modalities over this time. Some of my formal & informal education & private mentorship includes: Certified Training Provider of Yoni Massage & Sex Coaching • Bachelor's Degree in International Studies, with a focus on women in culture and religion, majoring in Sociology • Trauma -informed care & communication • Trauma Rewire Therapy • Post Graduate Diploma in Sexology • Emotional Focused Therapy • Somatic Experiencing • Gottman Method • Rites of Passage Facilitator Training • Trauma, the brain & memory • Therapeutic Yoni Massage • Red Tent Facilitator Training • Root Cause Therapy • Tantric Yoni Massage • Tantric Massage • Reiki II • Managing Risk in Clinical Supervision As mentioned, I have walked different paths with personal mentors in ancient lineages of sacred sexuality, shamanism, daoism and women's wisdom teachings. It would be remiss to not mention here my life experiences and their initiations into this work, which I believe to be my greatest teachers of all. My experiential wisdom has taught me far beyond the reaches of what institutes, books and external mentors have. Additionally, while some of the teachings I share are from ancient lineages, I do not claim to represent these philosophies in their totality. "I have had the pleasure and experience of working with thousands of women, helping them to come home to their bodies and to use their voice. In this course I have selected the most relevant education from my years of training and experience to support women in the current climate of female sexuality, and am so happy to be sharing this education with students who can spread this medicine beyond my reach. Now that the school takes a lot of my time and energy, I am delighted in having 20+ graduates to refer potential clients on to, with another 30 students currently enrolled across the world. I am grateful each and every day for this privilege, and for all for all of those who have supported and continue to support the Yonilicious Academy along the way"

This work is so highly respected which sees to an appropriately matched exchange for our time and work. Yoni massage sessions are charged at $444 and go for 2.5 - 3 hours. For those students who have the space and energy to go over time it is suggested to charge an additional $75 per half hour. Management of this is of course covered much deeper in the course, and these numbers are just a guideline, which you can of course re-create to better suit you and your clients. Yoni worship sessions cost $777, which goes for half a day, and includes yoni massage along with other yummy goodies to soften, connect and integrate.
Industry Pricing
Ready To Enroll?
Start at any time with ongoing enrollment, though there are just ten spots available per year so Kiki can provide you with thorough mentorship throughout the program... you won't be alone!
There are currently 9 spots remaining for 2023

Deposit to secure your spot and gain immediate access to level one of the training :
$3,333 AUD
Amount remaining after deposit is paid
Paid In Full
$6,666 AUD
Payment Plan
$7,777 AUD
There is either a 6, 9, or 12 month plan available for the remaining amount once the deposit is paid. There is no penalty for those of you who need the 9 or 12 month payment plan as this goes against the ethos of the Yonilicious Academy. Rewards for paying in full are given however, due to the huge amount of work that managing payment plans requires
*Residential Note* if you want accommodation for the training it is an extra $1,111
Recent Graduates
Graduate Praise :
Why Yonilicious?

The Yonilcious Academy is a highly reputable school, and one of the only courses that is accredited through IICT and registered with the ABS (American Board of Sexology). This means that the course and trainers are standardised and monitored, something that is super important in a field that is highly unregulated. It also means that you are able to gain $2 Million Professional Indemnity $20 Million Public & Products Liability and Unlimited Retroactive Cover in over 39 counties in your work (check out their website to see if your country is one of them), as both a therapeutic yoni massage practitioner and a somatic sex coach, something that is also vital in this work should you ever come into any trouble with a client or at one of your workshops or retreats. Lastly, because of the ethos of the Yonilicious Academy. It prides itself on a non-hierarchical structure, championing agency and respect. It creates a safe space where no-one will be vilified, holding everyone in love, no matter their path. There is simply no judgement, and its ethos urges students to cultivate this same judgement-free, safety, respect and kindness towards one another. The Yonilicious Academy embraces the messiness and chaos of the feminine, all the while having structure and stability for students to lean on when they need. It will always lift students up to be their highest selves and bend and adapt so that all students feel seen and heard. It has a blend of science and spirituality, light and dark, be and do, and will forever strive to evolve to be more aware, inclusive, loving, kind, soft and empowering. Over the years I have been cracked open time and time again to become an even better teacher and space holder. I and the course will, of course, continue to grow and evolve as it continues to be shared, though the power that it holds right now in this time and space is something I am so humbly yet proudly honoured to share with those feeling called.
Accessibility & Inclusion
At the Yonilicious Academy we celebrate unique backgrounds, body types, gender and sexual expressions. We also understand that study, payment and in-person attendance may be difficult for some. Therefore, we have created as many avenues as possible to enable greater accessibility to those who need extra support.
ABILITYIf you are someone who has a learning disability, or a disability in general that you feel would inhibit your access to studies, please speak with Kiki about this in your interview call so that you can both explore options that may help you.
MINORITYThe Yonilicious Academy offers one partial scholarship per year to individuals who are experiencing financial hardship and are disadvantaged in their day to day life due to their race, ethnicity, background, or sexual orientation. If this is you, please speak with Kiki about applying for the scholarship before enrolment. **Applications for scholarships for 2023 and 2024 are closed. Applications will be open again at the end of 2024.
SINGLE MUMThe Yonilicious Academy offers one partial scholarship per year for single mothers experiencing financial hardship. If you need help with tuition, please speak to Kiki about applying for this scholarship. **Applications for scholarships for 2023 and 2024 are closed. Applications will be open again at the end of 2024.
ATTENDANCEIf you do not feel you can make it to the in-person training, please speak to Kiki as there are certain situations where Kiki has been able to facilitate the complete training for students who live far from the in-person training, or have certain obstacles or disabilities that do not permit them to coming to the in-person training.
Course Update
As of 2023, it is no longer possible to do the Yoni Massage training without also doing the Somatic Sex Coach training, in order to help students cultivate a deeper and more rounded practice.
This update to the course also gives students an additional certification in Somatic Sex Coaching, which enables another avenue in your profession, and can be very helpful should you wish to work online at any stage, or if you would like to do less bodywork at some stage. You are however able to partake in the sex coach training on its own.