Yoni Worship Ceremony
A half day long Temple Ceremony + Yoni Massage + preparation & integration period
About this offering
Leading up to the ceremony: Before we do any in-person work, we hop on a call or two to go through some practices together to start the process of nervous system regulation and softening into surrender. This ensures that when you on the day that you will already have established practices that can support you and keep you centered and grounded in your body. The ceremony: A combination of ritual, movement, art, nervous system regulation, emoting, ceremony, massage and meditation, connecting you deeper to your feminine essence, your sensuality, your voice and your yoni, the gate to birth and death. Ritual: The ritual of yoni worship involves rose medicine, cacao medicine, yoni gazing, art therapy, movement and sound. Nervous system regulation: Unlike a pelvic floor physio (which are also very useful in our pelvic health) therapeutic yoni massage allows you and your nervous system to take the time and place needed to fully surrender and to create a space for deep healing and transmutation. Massage: In the session I use the principles of Therapeutic Yoni Massage. There is a difference between a therapeutic yoni massage and a regular yoni massage. A regular yoni massage oftentimes includes a build up of sexual energy through stimulation of the pleasure centres, while a therapeutic yoni massage does not involve any kind of arousal, as there is not adequate attention or stimulation of the pleasure centres of the yoni to build arousal. Meditation: After the massage section of the massage we go on a journey into the yoniverse through a daoist meditation. Sensual embodiment: Before the session is finished I leave you alone to gift yourself pleasure in whatever way feels right- moaning, resting, moving, breast, vulva/vaginal stimulation, dancing, singing etc. Integration: After our session we close with some tea and chocolate and whatever feels right for you in the moment (this may mean leaving without unpacking anything). I will then send you out an email sharing the things that came through in your session and to organise a time for our integration calls (however many are necessary) within the coming weeks. If it is a FULL BODY YES: "Yes, I am feeling called to reclaim my sovereignty and power through stepping fully into my divine feminine and sensuality!!" please book in for your initial consultation via the button above. The price of this call will be deducted from your session(s). SESSION INVESTMENT: $2222